Horses and Horse Personnel
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection was identified in 2 horses treated at a veterinary hospital in 2000, prompting a study of colonization rates of horses and associated persons.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
A Year At The Races
For people whose knowledge of horses and horse racing comes primarily from reading Marguerite Henry's books as a child and seeing the movie Seabiscuit twice, A Year at the Races is an education.

No Time For Cowboys

Someone has finally said it. And it had to be said. It's high time long-haul fleets wave "So long" to the cowboy truckers out there and start seriously recruiting drivers who see trucking as a worthy career path - not a lifestyle that comes with a paycheck.

That's the contention of Duff Swain, president of Trincon Group, a consulting firm that specializes in long-haul trucking. Swain feels so strongly about this topic that he's authored a white paper that drives his point home that trucking will never cure driver turnover until it starts turning to a new breed of employee.